Rockstar Spinning® Instructor Certification turns a good instructor into a true rock star Available both as a live training or an online course, this specialty certification blends essential health and exercise science with key practical skills you need to become the instructor that everyone lines up for.
Instructors bring a ride to life. Rockstar instructors are larger than life. Whether you attend the live, in-person training or take the online training at home, you will elevate your skills with guidance from a highly qualified Master Instructor. You will learn how to:
The Rockstar Certification is part of the Spinning® Instructor Certification Pathway, which means it’s your opportunity to progress to the next step in your career, and also the next level in the Pathway. If you are already a certified Spinning Instructor, you’ll go from Level 1 to Level 2—Advanced. If you’re Level 2 you will climb to Level 3—Elite status.
Find a live training near you and get started right away. The certification includes: