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Helen Farrow, Spinning® Master Instructor and Power Specialist Master Instructor | England

Publicado el29-6-2021 porMad Dogg Athletics

Helen lives in Manchester in the north of the United Kingdom with her husband and two children. She originally qualified with an honors degree in Pharmacy and spent many years working as a pharmacist and managing pharmacies across the UK. Her passion for fitness and cycling in particular saw her competing in various cycling, running, multi-sport events and of course Spinning® classes in her spare time. This passion was further enhanced after spending 6 years in France assisting in running a computer business and enjoying the joy of cycling along smooth, beautiful roads through the French countryside. She eventually took the plunge in 2016 and left the pharmacy world behind and became a full-time personal trainer and Spinning® instructor. Helen trains people in various studios in her region, including her home gym and the Manchester Velodrome known as the home of British Cycling. Her favorite quote is, “Four wheels move the body; two wheels move the soul.”

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